Tuesday, March 9, 2010

John F. Quinn Becomes SMAA Senior Advisor

John Quinn Sensei has been appointed to the SMAA Board of Advisors. Quinn Sensei lived in Japan for over 20 years where he studied karate-do, jodo, and forms of koryu bujutsu. In particular, Quinn Sensei is expert in the ancient Masaki Ryu. The Masaki Ryu is perhaps best known for its use of the manriki kusari (weighted chain) and kusari-gama (chain and sickle).

Quinn Sensei is a direct student of Nawa Yumio Sensei, the 10th generation Headmaster of Masaki Ryu. He received high-level teaching certification from Nawa Sensei, and he is the founder of the Masaki Ryu Bujutsu Kenkyukai.

Quinn Sensei is one of only a handful of people--anywhere in the world--licensed to teach Masaki Ryu. More information about Quinn Sensei and Masaki Ryu will be published soon in the SMAA Journal, at this blog, and at the SMAA Facebook page.

The SMAA Board of Directors and Board of Advisors are honored to welcome Quinn Sensei as our newest Senior Advisor.